Who we are

Let Children Play provides the space for kids to play and parents to connect! We are building a non-competitive, inclusive community based on the importance of play as a critical component of childhood. At LCP, we empower parents to learn strategies on promoting self-directed play experiences. 

Thanks to Leland Wild Foundation our home is nestled in a beautiful part of the forest amongst the trails. Leland Wild supports nearly 200 acres of wildlife habitat. Playing in the forest allows children and families to relax and talk about the every day pressures of balancing technology and outdoor play time. LCP believes that the forest helps to raise a caring, kind, compassionate individual that will ultimately care for the future of our environment.

In the past, children had more time to play, to use their imaginations and to learn about their needs and interests in a self-directed way. Today most families don’t have the time, or are hesitant to allow children to play freely in their neighborhoods. Academic demands, organized sports, safety concerns, and fear based parenting are causing stress on children and their families. We are here to help! Just like adults, children need autonomy and play is the best way for children to learn to govern themselves. With a good dose of boundaries, expectations and trust children can become happy and confident learners. 

Let’s Begin